Craft a Life You Love: A Book Review

So this is a little bit different than my typical post. I’m going to do a book review of Craft a Life You Love by Amy Tangerine. If you don’t know me as a human this is a short crash…
So this is a little bit different than my typical post. I’m going to do a book review of Craft a Life You Love by Amy Tangerine. If you don’t know me as a human this is a short crash…
Would you like to own your own home for under $50,000? Would you like to have an electric bill of around $40 or never getting homesick because your home gets to come with you? Ahhhh, there’s a catch. Your house…
Since I was feeling a lot better Fitzi and I decided to take advantage of our time in Germany. We went a bit further than the little sleepy towns nearby where he grew up. We agreed to visit the beautiful…
I’m still wandering around in Germany. Fitzi and I have enjoyed our time in Bad Salzschlirf but we also enjoy wandering around and going to the nearby towns. These are all towns that are not on the usual treck for…
For this post I am going to get a little personal about my life and what I am going to be up to that will kind of interrupt my DIY escapades. I live in a little 2 bedroom apartment in…
There has been a lot of buzz about the DIY nail polish marbling that is everywhere on crafting sites. People have been most commonly putting it on mugs, nails, and pretty much anything they want to add some fun patterns…
Okay. I haven’t bought anyone presents yet. I’m ridiculously bad at that and mailing things (Online bill pay is my shining light and savior). The great thing about DIY is that it makes it easy to make a personalized last…
To precede this post: This is not sponsored content. All content within this post are truly my own opinions and with no affiliation with the sites mentioned. Just a big fan! Finding precedents, inspiration, and ideas are incredibly important. I…
Hand lettering for a Bullet Journal is not as tricky as originally expected. Even with handwriting like a doctor or have a signature like my father (it eventually devolved into a spasm on a page) there are some really easy…