Inspirational Hand Lettering Wrap Up

I’ve been practicing my handwriting/calligraphy skills. While I can write fairly neat, using these calligraphic brush pens is a whole different animal. And I’m really enjoying it. Hand lettering these daily bits of inspiration has been fairly therapeutic. I’ve just started, so here’s a week’s worth!

Deciding to do Hand Lettering

I’m going to make a little disclaimer here, I am definitely not this good at hand lettering. But I am a little bit of a Typophile with some appreciation for graphic design. The best way to learn something new is by practicing. If you search online there are literally hundreds of hand lettering drills for you to trace.

Ultimately I wanted to start a positive daily routine. So I decided to combine some calligraphy drills with continual positive affirmation. All that spawned these little gems of daily inspiration to post to my Instagram @SaturateLifeDIY. Shout out to my 55 followers! (Which you should definitely help make that number higher)

How I make my own Hand Lettering Drills

I’m not one for keeping secrets, plus whatever you find helps you get the creative juices flowing I’m all for it. First I find a quote that resonates with me that day. Next, I type it out and stylize it with some fancy typefaces in Photoshop. From there I trace it to some watercolor paper and glue it to some scrapbook paper.

Ta-Dah ~ That’s it.

And not all of it. I know I can tell you how I do it because what you do will not be exactly like what I do. You won’t use the same typefaces, nor the same scrapbook paper, or the same kerning. It will be uniquely you. 

Moving Forward with my Hand Lettering Practice

In the future, I would like to have these be an option for some phone wallpaper art. However, I didn’t think that far ahead and just optimized them for Instagram. Whoops. If you really like these kinds of hand lettering check out my previous post about some techniques for hand lettering! 

Thank you for checking out my Inspirational Hand Lettering. I hope to see you soon back on my blog!

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