9 Reasons why Metal Music is good for Depression

Recently I got back in touch with an old college friend. While I moved to Florida she has set up a fantastic life in Ohio. A supportive husband, a beautiful baby girl, and set up an incredible Etsy shop/Locale Market…
I’ve been practicing my handwriting/calligraphy skills. While I can write fairly neat, using these calligraphic brush pens is a whole different animal. And I’m really enjoying it. Hand lettering these daily bits of inspiration has been fairly therapeutic. I’ve just started,…
Recently Fitzi and I had the opportunity to collaborate with my co-worker Christian. He’s a brilliant designer and a total nerd about 3D printing. To feed my curiosity he walked me through some 3D printing basics, the best programs to…
So this is a little bit different than my typical post. I’m going to do a book review of Craft a Life You Love by Amy Tangerine. If you don’t know me as a human this is a short crash…