Productivity is important for clarity and mental health. There’s habits to implement, things to prioritize, and reinforce. Here are 10 goals to help maintain a more productive day
1) Set Clear Goals
Consider what you want to achieve for the end of the day, week, quarter, year. If you take the time to think about what the end goal shall be it will permit you to consider the steps to get to the top of that mountain. This will help you set realistic goals for the day.
2) Prioritize Tasks
Focus on the important tasks first. There are probably easier tasks like answering emails, however, taking the time to move that boulder out of the way when you’re most rested earlier in the day will make the way for a much easier remainder day.
3) Time Management
It’s very common for tasks to eat up time no matter what our plans are. Allocate time blocks for tasks. The task is finished when the time block is finished. It can be picked up another day.
4) Organize shorter tasks
When looking at ultimate goals it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the mountain. It’s impossible to climb in one day. That is okay. Starting the journey is a huge step. Each step matters overall. Organize shorter tasks. Take each step one at a time, one day at a time.
5) Minimize Distractions
Notifications are a curse. I despise the little incoming flag saying I have an email disrupting my work flow. Shut that off. Focus.
6) Breaks
Put breaks into this schedule in order to maintain focus and energy. It’s okay to take 5 minutes to splurge on your phone or a short walk. Taking a breather between tasks matter for mental health.
7) Self-Care Habits
Ensure you’re developing a healthy body. Outside of work make sure you get enough sleep, have a good diet, and exercise. Keep steady physical health to maintain mental health.
8) Learn and Grow
“We’re doing it like this because we’ve always done it this way.” is the quote of a fool. It’s how you know someone has zero interest in the changing times or learning anything new. Learning does not end when the diploma is handed out! Learning is a great activity no matter the age to keep neuroplasticity going. Keep learning and growing.
9) Delegate
This one is hard for me. I don’t have to do everything. There are others in the home or on the team that are there to help. Delegate and ask for difficult tasks. It is wonderful have overwhelmed relieved.
10) Reflect and Adjust
At the end of the day review what was accomplished on the route home. You made it further up the mountain! Congrats! But also it permits you to adjust the weekly/quarterly goal as necessary. Adjustments are not failure. It’s a moment to look forward at your schedule and goals to know how much closer you are.
Remember, productivity is a personalized mountain. What works for you may not work for someone else. It’s okay if taking the strategy from a friend isn’t working for you. Climbing is the only goal and you’re doing great.
Keep it up!
Rachel McG