Motivational Phone Wallpapers for your Bad Week – March 03, 2018

This has been a pretty no-good-dirty-awful-rotten few weeks. Work has been stressful, life has been busy, I’ve been hosting people, and toss in a bit of my generalized anxiety disorder; we’re in for a shitshow. Plus it was recently February. I don’t care what anyone says. February and Tuesdays are the worst. You’re no longer riding the happy wave of the weekend or the holidays yet the next weekend and end of winter is still super far away.

However, it means nothing. Tomorrow is still a new day.
A few months from now the sun will shine and all the flowers will bloom.
A year from now all this stress will be just a thing of the past.

Every single bad day is exactly that. A bad day is not a bad life. It’s not eternal and nor is it permanent. We can make the best out of all that we have going for us. We let our stress run our lives, fretting about what is out of our control instead of letting all of it go. It’s hard. I know it is. I struggle with trying to live in the now every day but I’m improving and keep moving forward. I’ve decided to show off a few motivational phone wallpapers to help us through the bad days and focus on the good ones ahead. You got this girl.

Motivational Phone Wallpaper – Stay Happy and Positive

Motivational Phone Wallpaper – Find the beauty in Every Day

Motivational Phone Wallpaper – Create Your Own Happiness

Motivational Phone Wallpaper – Bloom where you are Planted

Motivational Phone Wallpaper – Turn on the Light

Motivational Phone Wallpaper – I am Strong

Motivational Phone Wallpaper – Think Happy. Be Happy.

Motivational Phone Wallpaper – Always Look on the Bright Side

Motivational Phone Wallpaper – You Got This

Motivational Phone Wallpaper – Don’t Stress

If you really enjoyed these motivational phone wallpapers please follow Saturate Life on Pinterest and taking the time to share my page as well!

As always thank you for taking the time to look at my blog. Please share your thoughts and inspiration with me at Thank you again!

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