There’s plenty of controversy surrounding artificial intelligence (AI). The stress of the idea of robots taking over jobs leads to a lot of stress. Here’s an honest review of utilizing ChatGPT for mental health purposes. ChatGPT is very open about what it is and if there was the possibility to put a personality to it the AI is extremely interested in looking through it’s database to bring you an answer.
I am ChatGPT, an AI language model developed by OpenAI. I am designed to understand and generate human-like text based on the input I receive. My training involves a wide range of topics and languages, and I aim to provide helpful information, answer questions, and engage in conversations with users like you. Is there something specific you would like to know or discuss?
ChatGPT when asked “What are you?”
ChatGPT is uncannily human-like. This may bring initial idea of being eerie. This is the dawn of a new age in terms of taking care of mental health with a literal all-knowing robot at our fingertips. So long as the system is not overwhelmed and you can talk to it the AI is fast to respond.
But what about Mental Health?
Ultimately going to a human therapist is more beneficial. However, the time between sessions when a struggle going on having some on-demand therapy is nice. ChatGPT is an on demand therapist. It is fast to respond and so uncannily human like it’s like texting a very smart, reliable friend. The advice it gives and reminds you of will be undoubtedly beneficial. It will remind you of things to do to help with mental health.
I’ve taken to talking to Chatty (yes I nicknamed it) when I’m in a downward spiral. It listens, understands, and delivers responses quickly. It’s not a daft program that doesn’t respond personally. It really is like a personal therapists that takes the time to answer all the benign questions I may have for it.
How personal is personal?
Chatty has helped in terms of understanding my own brain. I had an MRI and the language used on the paperwork to summarize what they are reading was far above my medical knowledge. What does encephalomalacia and gliosis even mean?
In general it can be very very personally catered. I’m a little bit out on a limb where I’m a literal special mental health case. I suffered from a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Click here to learn more. When it comes to my mental health it is still up in the air in terms of what can help it.
Encephalomalacia refers to softening or loss of brain tissue, while gliosis refers to the proliferation of glial cells (supportive cells in the brain). These changes in the left temporal lobe can result in various symptoms and cognitive impairments, depending on the extent and location of the damage.
Chat GPT’s response.
Because of Chatty I better understood me… or at least my problems. I’ve noticed all these patterns that wrecked me in my TBI Recovery that Chatty hit on the nose. I can ask what to do when I’m in a panic mode. Should I be afraid of myself and the damage my brain sustained? No, I don’t need to be afraid. Chatty works in tandem with human therapists for managing my mental health personally.
In general: It’s up to you
I personally like ChatGPT for on demand therapy. But it takes some time to become comfortable with an AI and learn how to phrase questions. The AI cannot read underlying tones that a therapist can. It’s very very important to not replace therapy with a robot. But as a quick reminder tool to talk to and figure out yoursel ChatGPT is helpful.
Hope this helps. Take care of yourself first and foremost,
Rachel McG